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Health Psychology:
Pain and Acupuncture

by Coco Tsang

Biological Psychology:

Hippocampus and spatial memory

by Coco Tsang

Biological Psychology:
Motion Blindness

by Coco Tsang

Developmental Psychology:

Choosing a Partner

bu Coco Tsang

Educational Psychology:

Maths Anxiety

by Coco Tsang

Abnormal Psychology:

Depression and Mindfulness

by Nek Mak

Health Psychology:

Child Obesity and Parental Teasing

by Nek Mak

Environmental Psychology:

Satisfaction in a Dormitory Building

by Nek Mak

Industrial and Organization Psychology:

The Psychology of Lateness, Absenteeism, and Turnover

by Nek Mak

Environmental Psychology:
Designing effective study environment

by Nek Mak

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